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St. Michael's Church History Book, 1853-2003

A history of the Church of St. Michael published for the parish's 150th anniversary in 2003.

Name Location 1 Location 2 Notes
Fischer, Sister Judith 170, 183, 188
Fish, Jim 78
Fisher, Fr. Daniel 14-17, 19, 22, 50, 74
Fisher, J 12
Fitzgerald 9 "Fitzgerald family"
Fitzgerald, Ann 9
Fitzgerald, James P 41
Fitzgerald, Nellie 187
Fitzgerald, Patrick 13, 19, 37, 188
Fitzgerald, Fr. Thomas 140, 141, 142-151, 152, 161, 163, 164, 186
Fitzgerald, William 9
Flock, Carolyn 153
Flock, Mary 135
Flock, Trisha 135
Florian, Betty 84
Flowers, Jack 78
Flynn 59 "Flynn family"
Flynn, Archbishop Harry 173, 180, 182, 184
Foley, Bishop 60
Foley, Anne 129
Foley, Colleen 135
Foley, Darlene 153, 188
Foley, Mrs. James W 73
Foley, James W 73, 187
Foley, Jerome 130
Foley, John 129
Foley, Sister Kathleen 133, 135, 136
Foley, Kathy 135
Fontaine, Jerry 174
Forciea, Harold 125
Forciea, Mary Leah 129
Forciea, Violet 128
Foster, Jody 164
Fouks, Carver 164, 167
Fouks, Eunice 163, 164, 167, 188
Fouks, Lauren 164
Framke, Hillary 165
Francis Borgia, Sister 137
Francois, Eugene 131
Frawley, James E. 61
Frawley, Tom 84
Frazer, Florence 129
Friend, Robert 61
Friendshuh, Cherry 174
Fristad, Kathy 164, 167
Fristad, Merle 145
Fristad, Paul 126, 139, 145, 163-64, 167, 188
Furseth, Eve 100
Furseth, Peter 109
Gag, Rosie 145, 154