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Polk's Stillwater City Directory 1890-91

Name Location 1 Location 2 Notes
Lehmicke, Rudolph 30 in the county government section, probate court
Lemon, Mrs F H 31 in the hospitals section
Lind, Rev. Alfred 34 churches section, Swedish Lutheran Church
Lindberg, Charles 110 [under "Erickson & Lindberg"]
Lindbloom, C O 43 secret societies section
Lindbloom, Charles O 30 in the county government section, county officers
Lindholm, A T 26 in the board of education section
Lindholm, A T 27 in the board of education standing committees section - supplies
Lindholm, A T 27 in the board of education standing committees section - school government, course of study
Lindholm, A T 27 in the board of education standing committees section - taxes
Londigan, Edwin 28 in the fire department section
Luhmann, H H 44 sporting societies section
Lund, Charles 30 in the county government section, board of county commissioners
Lustig, Charles 42 secret societies section
Macartney, Alvin E 89
Mackentosh, J Q 30 in the county government section, county officers
Mackey, Edward 42 secret societies section
Malloy, Mrs. J J 38 misc societies section
Manwaring, L L 40 building societies section
Manwaring, L L 41 building societies section
Manwaring, Louis L 28 in the courts section
Martinson, Peter 28 in the police department section
Marty, Adam 30 in the county government section, county officers
Marty, Adam 36 GAR section
Marvin, Edward H 55 [under "American Express Co"]
Masterman, W C 30 in the county government section, county officers
McCluer, C M 41 secret societies section
McCluer, C M 42 secret societies section
McCluer, Charles M 41 secret societies section
McClure, Samuel 32 in the commerical bodies section
McComb, J D 33 cemeteries section
McDermott, Thomas 38 misc societies section
McGarry, R W 42 secret societies section
McGee, Edward 38 misc societies section
McGee, Joseph 38 misc societies section
McGrath, Miss Elizabeth 40 misc societies section
McKean, Daniel 30 in the county government section, board of county commissioners
McKusick, F L 28 in the courts section
McKusick, F L 36 GAR section
McKusick, John 32 in the banks section, Lumberman's National Bank
McLeer, Joseph 38 misc societies section
McPherson, Mrs. Gertrude 36 libraries section
Meeds, Mrs. C H 40 misc societies section
Meehan, Andrew 31 in the Minnesota State Prison section (usher)
Merrill, Dr. B J 25 (15) in the city government section as city physician
Merrill, Dr. B J 25 (15) in the city government section as health officer
Merrill, Dr. B J 31 in the Minnesota State Prison section (physician)
Merry, Charles W 35 clubs section, Stillwater Boat Club
Miller, Miss A 37 misc societies section
Millet, Avadana 27 in the Stillwater public schools as Nelson school pricipal